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Zephyr Teachout Endorses Our Campaign!

NEW YORK, NEW YORK—Today, attorney and educator Zephyr Teachout endorsed Kim Moscaritolo in the New York City Council District 5 race.

"I'm proud to support Kim Moscaritolo for City Council in District 5,” Teachout said. “As a journalist and activist, Kim has spent decades speaking truth to power and advocating for those in need. Her comprehensive small business plan is what we need to save our local mom and pops. As the founder of Yorkville Buy Local, Kim knows what our small businesses need to survive and thrive, and she'll work to provide oversight, accountability, and new leadership over corruption at City Hall."

The announcement comes after Moscaritolo released her comprehensive “Working Toward Small Business Recovery” plan and published her “Saving Small Businesses in the Wake of COVID-19” oped in the Gotham Gazette last week.

“I’m so honored and humbled to receive Zephyr Teachout’s endorsement,” said Moscaritolo. “From fighting corruption in our political system and advocating for breaking up powerful monopolies, to working towards real accountability and transparency in government, Zephyr and I share many of the same values and priorities.”

“I’m ready to bring a journalist’s eye to City Hall,” said Moscaritolo. “I’ve never worked for a politician or city agency, and I’ve been an advocate for my community on the Upper East Side for over a decade. I’m ready to hold our city leaders to their promises, and make sure our government works for New Yorkers, not powerful interests.”

Teachout ran for the Democratic Party nomination for governor of New York against Andrew Cuomo in 2014. She is an Associate Law Professor at Fordham University with interests in Corruption, Antitrust, and Election Law.

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